Day 1
12.00 h Euro Bazaar
15.00 h Euro run – outdoor workshop
16.00 h EU through children’s eyes! – creative activities, playhouse musical and theater performances for children
17.00 h You have a picture of us!– photo exhibition on the fall of the Berlin Wall and Europe without walls
17.30 h Workshop – Europe as a whole and free- the historical background of the Berlin Wall
19.30 Welcome Europe welcome world! 22.00 EU party
Day 2
10.00 h Euro Bazaar
10.30 h Without borders – Hopes and concerns at the threshold of Europe – introduction of the organizations participating in the program.
15.00 h Euro run – outdoor workshop
16.00 h The wall – painting a work of art that symbolizes a wall.
17.00 h EU through children’s eyes! – creative activities, playhouse musical and theater performances for children
21.00 h To dance together
Day 3
10.00 h Euro Bazaar
15.00 h Euro run – outdoor workshop
18.00 h Flashmob – Free hug!
18.30 h From light and air
The square is ours! – joint dance production of young people
See you again! – end of program