Together for a diverse Europe
The event Together for Diverse Europe, 22nd – 24th August 2021, is created by the ‘Népkör’ Hungarian Cultural Center together with seven partners: Kiskunhalas City Municipality – Kiskunhalas (Hungary), Vanellus – Šaľa (Slovakia), Dum Children and Young People Kojetin – Kojetin (Slovakia), Katholische Ungarische Mission (Catholic Hungarian Mission) – Münster (Germany), Pfarre Hildegard Burjan – Vienna (Austria), Skab-Riga (Latvia), Fundatia Diaspora – Timișoara (Romania).
The three-day event will be held at the main square of Subotica and in the building of the ‘Népkör’ Hungarian Cultural Center. Subotica plays a symbolic role in the coexistence of people as a multicultural city where Serbs, Hungarians, Croatians, and Roma live in peace. The aim of the project is to unite the participating countries through the language of culture, which in many cases live as a minority in their own countries. The main message of the project is reflected in the cultural content, which provides an opportunity to get to know each other’s cultures, creating a common platform and communication link between them, and this way strengthening the idea of a modern and strong European Union and the struggle to achieve it.